Frequently Asked Questions regarding i-Society 2025

Q: Will the i-Society 2025 be location-based?
A: Yes. The live sessions will take place between 25-27 August, 2025.

Q: When should I be expecting the program?
A: The preliminary program will be available on the 1st of April, 2025. All registered participants will therefore receive the final program at least one month before the start of the conference.

Q: What if I am not available during the conference dates?
A: Presenter(s), that will not be available during the conference, will be asked to prepare a pre-recorded presentation of the research work and send a link where it can be downloaded before the start of the conference. All the pre-recorded presentations will be scheduled in appropriate sessions and the pre-recorded presentation will be played during live session between 25-27 August, 2025.


Q: What do I need in order to attend the i-Society 2025 conference?
A: A valid registration as a proof that the participants has completed the his /or her registration.


Q: Can I participate in the i-Society 2025 without submission of any kind?
A: Yes

Q: Is it compulsory to submit a full paper?
A: No.

Q: What type of submissions do you accept for i-Society 2025?
A: We accept the following submissions: Abstracts, Extended Abstracts, Full Papers, Case Studies, Reports, Student Papers, Panel Discussions Proposals, Speaker Proposals, Session Speaker Proposals and Workshop Proposals.


Q: Can I be a speaker at the i-Society 2025?
A: Yes, you can be a speaker at the i-Society 2025. If you want to submit a proposal, please Click

Certificate of Participation

Q: Can I have a Certificate of Participation?
A: Yes, all participants, that attend the conference, are entitled to Certificate of Participation. You will received it via email immediately after the conference.

Certificate of Presentation

Q: Will I received a Certificate of Presentation?
A: Yes, all presenters, that attend the conference, are entitled to Certificate of Presentation. You will received it via email immediately after the conference.

Certificate of Professional Development (CPD)

Q: How do I claim my Certificate of Professional Development (CPD) credit unit?
A: A Certificate of Professional Development (CPD) stating the total credit unit will be emailed to all participants immediately after the conference.


Q: I am an exhibitor at the event, what should I do?
A: We will contact you directly regarding your participation. If you need to get in touch with us, please use the contact form on the website.

Q: Do you offer an exhibit hall registration only?
A: We do not offer an exhibit or expo access registration only. Conference registration are based on attending all days of the conference and providing access to all sessions, functions and receptions during the event. The exhibit hall and theatre are accessible to all attendees with the ability to move freely about the event.


Q: How do I register for the i-Society 2025 conference?
A: The registration to the i-Society 2025 conference is now open. For more information, please Click

Q: What forms of payment do you accept for the i-Society 2025 registration?
A: Registration payment is by Credit Cards. Payment details and the registration terms and conditions are available online. For more information, please Click

Q: How is my registration confirmed?
A: After completing registration, the system will generate a confirmation printable receipt. In addition, you will receive a confirmation email with your registration information from i-Society Registration Team.

Q: What can I do if my credit card failed to process?
A: Credit card processing problems are generally caused by a mismatch in the billing address of the credit card holder. Check that the address entered matches the billing address listed with your credit card provider or contact your credit card provider to authorize the charge.

Q: If I cannot attend, can I transfer my registration?
A: Registrations may be transferred to another employee in your institution /or organisation /or company and requests for transfers of registration fees must be made in writing.

Q: Do you offer a one /or two days registration fee?
A: No. We have found that attending all days of the event offers the best conference experience and provides the best value for our attendees.

Q: If I wish to cancel my registration, will I receive a refund?
A: Registration cannot be cancelled or refunded. The cancellation policy is outlined online. For more information, please Click

Travel and Hotel Information

Q: Can I receive a refund for my flight?
A: The policies of the different airlines are changing rapidly, it is important to check the Airline’s website for update information.

Q: Can I get a discounted airfare from i-Society participating Airlines
A: The Airlines promotional codes are available on the web. For further information, please Click

Q: Do I need to book my hotel /or campus accommodation?
A: Yes, indeed. The updated information with regards to hotel /or campus accommodations are available on the website. For further information, please Click

Q: How can I book a reservation at the host hotel /or campus?
A: Reservations within the conference room block at the host hotel are reserved for registered conference attendees. The i-Society website contains a link of hotels to make your online room reservation /or in the conference room block. For further information, please Click

Dress Code and Badge

Q: Is there a dress code?
A: We recommend participants to wear comfortable attires and a jacket or sweater for the air-conditioned theatre and exhibit hall.

Q: Do I need to wear the conference badge?
A: Your badge is your conference identity into conference sessions, exhibitions, meals and/or receptions. Badges must be worn at all times and are not transferable at any time.

Q: Where do I get the badge?
A: The badges are given to all participants at the i-Society registration desk on the first day of the conference.

Social Networking

Q: Can I connect with other participants?
A: The i-Society offers many opportunities to network, and socialize with fellow attendees. Relax with your colleagues and newfound friends during the conference.